I’ve had a hard time this summer and fall trying to decide
what to do next, what to commit to. My
initial plan earlier in the summer was to run Mountain Lakes 100M up in Oregon in late
September, but it turned out the date didn’t work out. My running has been as consistent as it’s
ever been including six 20 milers and a 50K, and several weeks with 5K-10K of
climbing, continuing even without a race on the calendar. What has been lacking without that focus race
has been my diet and nutrition, so I knew I wasn’t in peak shape. But I still wanted to get in one big effort
before the year was up, or I kind of felt like I would be “wasting” the
endurance I’ve been building all summer.
So on the last day of registration and six days before the race, I
finally pulled the trigger and registered for the Firetrails 50M.
This race was my second 50 miler back in 2013 so I knew it
has five good climbs but nothing too steep, and being in the East Bay in early
October that heat would be a factor.
It’s an out and back and the biggest climb is coming back out of the
turnaround – a 4 mile, 1,250’ slog up mostly exposed fireroad in the heat of
the day. Heat, climbing, exposure, dust
– sounds awesome, right? And it was all exactly
what I was looking for. With my ultimate
focus being Western States, opportunities to continue to experiment and gain
experience with heat management, long climbs, nutrition, aid station
management, etc., were really what pushed me to sign up. My time in 2013 was 10:55 so I set a stretch
goal of 10:00 (that I knew was unlikely with my lack of focus this summer), a
backup goal of PRing the course, and as always with an ultra, the ultimate goal
of just finishing still upright. I put
together my pace chart with the 9:59
and 10:55 Aid Station splits, assembled
drop bags for the turnaround and the finish, and had the gear all ready to
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Trying not to overpack |
Race morning I drove out to Lake Chabot Marina about an hour
away while sipping on a coffee and a slurry of UCAN Superstarch and chia seeds,
picked up my bib, took care of pre-race bathroom business, and waited for the
6:30 AM start. It was still a little dark
as we gathered
near the start, but the first couple of miles are on bike path so I didn’t
bother with a light and just settled into an easy pace. Things felt pretty easy as we hit the first
500’ climb, and I chatted with a few other runners as
the sun came up. It was really
muggy, actually
foggy and in the mid-60s, so from the start I worked on keeping up on
hydration. I was wearing my Ultimate
Direction AK Race Vest with one bottle of sports drink (Tailwind to start,
refilling with GU Brew on the course) and the other with water so that I could
use it to help keep cool. My nutrition
plan was to aim for about 200-250 calories an hour, and to keep it limited to
sports nutrition products for as long as I could to see if that helped prevent
the late race stomach issues I’ve had in the past. This race has 13 aid stations so I figured on
one GU gel at each one, take 2-3 more during the few spots on the course where
it would take more than an hour to get from one aid to the next, and to just
keep drinking sports drink out of the one bottle throughout the day.
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Runners in the mist |
Things really went according to plan for the first
half. I was moving comfortably at a pace
right between the two splits on my pace chart, so I knew that the sub-10 goal
wasn’t going to happen. But that didn’t
really bother me as I stayed focused on trying to manage effort, manage heat,
manage nutrition, and move efficiently up
the trail. As we made the climb up
to the high
point of the course in miles 19-22, the leaders in the marathon that
started at our turnaround started streaming by.
It’s always inspiring to see those guys and gals at the front of the
pack fly up and down the trails. Up and
over the top and down the fireroad to the turnaround was a steady stream of
encouragement both ways, and the leaders of the 50M coming back up the hill,
running something that most of us would be power hiking. I’ll never know the fitness it takes to do
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Singletrack heading up to Steam Trains |
I got to the turnaround at Loan Oak at about mile 26 at just
under 5:23, a few minutes ahead of my pace from 2013 and feeling good, with my
IT bands and quads holding up great down that 1,250’ downhill. The Aid Station here is a fun Western-theme
with a ton of great energy. Even though
it can be hard to appreciate the themes when I’m trying to get in and out
quickly, this race has great aid stations and volunteers throughout. I am always sure to thank everyone, as they
put in a ton of time and effort to support the runners. I haven’t yet done this, but I will be
volunteering at a couple races next year to experience that side of things and
give back to this sport that I love so much.
I didn’t have crew for this race, but a volunteer brought me my drop bag
and I got to work cleaning and re-lubing my feet with Run Goo prior to changing
socks. Pouring water on myself all day
to this point had me dealing with wet feet all day, but the Run Goo did a good
job of keeping my feet in decent shape.
I refilled the bottles, put ice in my bandana, in my hat, and in my
rolled-down arm sleeves, downed a gel, and began the long climb back up to
Steam Trains.
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Still feeling good early on (photo by Facchino Photography) |
I passed probably a dozen runners as I just kept grinding it
out for an hour, all while trying to stay cool as the temps were in the 80s by
this point. I got to the Steam Trains
Aid Station just shy of the 50K mark in about 6:32, still ahead of my 2013
splits. I loaded up on more ice, popped another gel, filled the bottles, and
down the trail I went still feeling good.
About three miles later I hit one of the steeper climbs of the course,
not brutal but a good 450’ in about a mile, and for the first time all day I
started to struggle. I was barely
managing a power hike, but my breathing was really hard. I poured water on my head, water on my arm
bands, took some GU Brew, but it kept getting worse. I bent over and put my hands on my knees, and
all the people I had passed on the big climb out of Loan Oak came streaming by,
with every single one of them asking if I was ok or needed anything (did I
mention I love this sport?). “Yeah, I’m
good, just struggling, thanks”. By the
time I reached the top I was lightheaded, and was even experiencing almost a
tunnel vision where things in the periphery were a little fuzzy. I popped an S-Cap thinking it might be
electrolyte related, kept pouring water on myself, and kept sipping
calories. But even going downhill I was
struggling now, with an almost 16-minute mile split there. My head started to come back a little as I
focused on just making it to the 37-mile aid station at Skyline Gate, where I
would either regroup and figure this out or I would have to drop. To make matters worse I caught my toe and
went down, tumbling through the dirt. I
got up and checked to see if I had any injuries and not seeing any blood kept
moving. I finally stumbled into Skyline
almost exactly on my 2013 split of about 8:21.
I cooled myself with the ice/sponge bucket, wiping down my
face. I grabbed some Coke and another
S-cap, and just sat down for a bit trying to regain composure. I knew a course PR was now out the window,
but after about 10-15 minutes of just sitting there and getting some sugar and
salt back in me, my head felt pretty clear so I decided to continue. I figured if the light-headedness came back,
I could either turn around or just drop at the next aid station 4 ½ mostly
downhill miles away. So I got back on
the trail and headed down the hill.
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Good to be off the ridge lines and back in the shadows of the trees |
After my 100 miler last year my buddy Jim put together a race video that captured well the experience and the struggle I had out
there. The song he picked for the second
half of the video, covering mile 50 to the finish, was Surrender by Angels and
Airwaves. I had never heard it before,
but it’s obviously become one of great meaning to me (just watch from about the 4:50 mark). Sure enough, 30 seconds after I left the aid
station my iPod shuffles a five hour playlist and lands on that song. “No I,
I will not surrender.” You can’t
make this stuff up, and I instantly teared up - followed by laughing out loud
and smiling for the first time in a couple of hours. I knew then that it was going to be a slow
time, but I was finishing this thing.
The rest of the race was really pretty uneventful, it was
just a matter of moving forward for another three or so hours and getting it
done. I was moving slowly but I was
moving, and I was able to keep hydrating, eating, and slowly hiking the ups and
slowly running the flats and downs. The
last couple of miles of rolling bike path on pavement kind of suck, and as I
was for probably a good third of the race I was completely by myself for most
of it. I actually passed two runners for
the first time in hours in the final mile, and tried to run it in strong and
crossed the finish in 11:38:45.
I laid down after I crossed the finish and gathered myself for a few minutes. I got up and took off my shoes (just one small blister), cleaned my feet, changed out of my wet shirt, and kept sipping water and walking around. My stomach wasn’t ready to partake in a burger or beer yet, so I had some broth that seemed to go down ok. I gathered my stuff and started to walk toward the car, and all of a sudden the light headed feeling came back and I immediately laid down on the ground. A volunteer came over to check on me and then brought over a medical volunteer who talked to me for a bit. As I sat up, out of nowhere I started puking, first the soup I had just put down but then completely emptying my stomach. Medical brought me some Sprite and a couple of S-caps, and stayed with me for a good twenty minutes to make sure I was ok. After another ten minutes or so I felt good enough to stand up, and slowly walked the 15 minutes back to my car for the drive home.
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Relieved to be finished (photo by Facchino Photography) |
I laid down after I crossed the finish and gathered myself for a few minutes. I got up and took off my shoes (just one small blister), cleaned my feet, changed out of my wet shirt, and kept sipping water and walking around. My stomach wasn’t ready to partake in a burger or beer yet, so I had some broth that seemed to go down ok. I gathered my stuff and started to walk toward the car, and all of a sudden the light headed feeling came back and I immediately laid down on the ground. A volunteer came over to check on me and then brought over a medical volunteer who talked to me for a bit. As I sat up, out of nowhere I started puking, first the soup I had just put down but then completely emptying my stomach. Medical brought me some Sprite and a couple of S-caps, and stayed with me for a good twenty minutes to make sure I was ok. After another ten minutes or so I felt good enough to stand up, and slowly walked the 15 minutes back to my car for the drive home.
So while the race didn’t go as planned, I had seven great
hours out there before having to gut out the rest. My best guess on the problems I had are
around electrolytes – I was cramping pretty severely all over when I got home,
and I kept taking S-caps for a few hours (along with some pickle juice) until
that finally stopped. I didn’t really
take any early in the race, relying upon the GU Brew to get what I thought
would be enough. As a salty sweater, the
research by Tim Noakes would seem to indicate that I have plenty of electrolytes on
board and don’t need to supplement, but I just don’t think that works for me on
a warm day – next time I’ll be doing one per hour from the start and up that to
two in the heat of the day. I also think
that as my diet hasn’t been on point the past few months with too many carbs,
my fat burning has been suppressed a bit.
This leads to the 200 calories or so I was taking in being probably a
little low, so blood sugar may have been a factor as well – especially considering
Coke (during) and Sprite (after) both seemed to help. I think getting back into a more
metabolically efficient state and ramping my fat burning back up where it was
last summer will make the biggest impact there, as when I try to go above 250
calories per hour during the heat I tend to have stomach issues.
Thanks to Julie Fingar and NorCalUltras for another great event, and a special thanks to all the volunteers out there!
Thanks to Julie Fingar and NorCalUltras for another great event, and a special thanks to all the volunteers out there!
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